ICPF Funds Corrugated Packaging Research Program At MSU

A collaborative research and education program focused on the sustainability of corrugated packaging is underway at Michigan State University (MSU) thanks to grant funding provided by the International Corrugated Packaging Foundation (ICPF).

ICPF announced that Dr. Amin Joodaky, Assistant Professor at MSU’s School of Packaging is establishing a collaborative and interdisciplinary team to focus on educating students and enhancing the sustainability of corrugated packaging. The project, driven by faculty, students, technicians, and support staff, will involve a period of investigation and research followed by the creation of real-world packaging solutions. Students will also participate in an industry-specific workshop on corrugated box mechanics, design, and testing. Overall, the initiative will foster innovation and encourage students to pursue careers in the corrugated packaging industry or conduct research in this field.

Industry companies will also take part in the program, helping to direct studies and research and providing MSU students with valuable industry exposure as guest speakers, experiential tour hosts, and more. Green Bay Packaging has already signed up to participate. Interested companies can contact [email protected] for more information.

ICPF President, Caitlin Salaverria said, “ICPF was excited to provide funding to Michigan State University on this rewarding and worthwhile program. Not only will the funding provide solutions for real-world corrugated packaging applications, but students will also be equipped with practical packaging design skills enhancing their readiness for industry careers and build valuable connections and networks with corrugated industry companies.”

“This ICPF-funded program provides students with a valuable opportunity to gain hands-on experience in corrugated packaging design, research, and industry practices. By integrating education, workshops, and networking, the initiative helps prepare students for careers in sustainable packaging,” said Joodaky. “We appreciate ICPF’s support in making this program possible, facilitating both technical training and industry connections that will benefit students as they enter the field and careers.”

The program is set to be completed later this year.

“As an industry sponsored foundation, ICPF has worked for 40 years to advance student and faculty knowledge of the industry and to promote development of a highly trained workforce,” said Salaverria. “We’ve provided over $14 million in donations of equipment and grants to universities through our University Awards Program and look forward to continuing our efforts over the coming years.”

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