Ryan Ruskin


Hygienic Packaging Designs Calm Virus-Related Anxiety

Although food and packaging are not key players in the spread of COVID-19, pandemic-driven wariness is driving food brand owners and their packaging suppliers, as well as retailers and foodservice providers, to put more emphasis on hygienic packaging design.The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website states: “In general, because of poor…


10 Popular Packaging Posts During the Height of COVID-19

In early spring, the novel coronavirus infiltrated the United States, forcing most states to issue a stay-at-home order and many people to quickly set up home offices. Despite understandable distress and distractions, packaging professionals persisted in addressing pressing packaging issues, such as shifting consumer trends, sustainability, and, not surprisingly, industry reactions…


8 Packaging Must-Reads from the First Quarter of 2020

Coronavirus-related news has been driving readership on practically every media platform for the past month. But looking back at the first three months of this year, several other topics also made our list of most-read articles here.Among the top eight Packaging Digest articles for the first quarter of 2020, food packaging…


Packaging Design Winners and Losers Leap Out in February 2020

What makes a good or bad packaging design? Today’s winners might reflect the retro-futurism trend or tap into the current interest in reusable packaging. The losers might ignore the ever-important easy-open function or forget product-safety features.Last month, Packaging Digest’s global audience was most interested in articles about packaging design and new…


How Packaging Trends Will Shape 2020

Sustainability, branding and “smart” packaging technologies continue to resonate with global packaging professionals, based on the leading stories from early 2020 on PackagingDigest.com.In January 2020, you were most interested in learning about new packaging trends — rightly so! Brands need their packaging designs to stay current with what matters to today’s…


12 Snack Packages Echo Consumer Trends

Looking for a little healthy indulgence when hunger strikes? You’re not the only one. Americans snack before, after, and during mealtimes. After all, today’s packages make it easy to do so. Here are a dozen examples of brands using packs and graphics to tempt and gratify.Little — Portioned, portable packs facilitate…


Can the Cannabis Industry Eat its Way Back to Success?

To mitigate risk, the edible cannabis market needs packaging that clearly communicates dosage, warnings and regulatory information, as well as includes child-resistant (CR) features. We’ve all heard the recent story about the professional basketball player who ingested an edible cannabis product infused with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) while on a plane. He had a…


5 Sustainable Packaging Trends to Look Out for in 2020

For sustainable packaging, 2020 is set to be a year of action and reaction, building on the fast-growing trends we have seen in the last two years, as subject matter expert Nina Goodrich laid out in her recent article. Here are the critical sustainable packaging trends to look out for in…


How Will These 200 Designs Power Your Next Package?

Creating a successful packaging design takes work. And inspiration. And resources. An idea here; an example there. Advice from other packaging design experts. Every bit helps fuel your creativity engine. Will it work for my product? How will it work?For the fourth year in a row, Packaging Digest gives you a…


Create packaging that inspires love at first sight

“Love at first sight”—cliché for sure, but in a packaging sense, I would go so far as to call it the kind of first impression brands dream of.Making this a reality, however, requires a pivot in how brands conceptualize a package. From first sketch to first impression, it requires brands to…